은행/금융 > 은행 사업계획서(영문)
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영문 은행에 관한 사업계획서입니다.

자세한 내용은 다음의 목차를 참고하세요.


1.Rising to the Challenge
2.Embracing Changes
3.Taking Initiatives in Management Restructuring
4.Raising the Highbar
5.Now Korea’s Largest Banking Franchise
6.Bank’s Traditional Strengths
7.Opportunity from Crisis
8.Performance Review
9.Sustainable Underlying Profit Growth
10.High Net Interest Spread and Margin
11.Enviable Deposit Base Lowers Funding Costs
12.Building Out the Franchise Further
13.Stepping Out and Growing New Markets
14.Opportunity from Crisis
15.Shareholding Structure a Vote of Confidence
16.Diversified Loan Book Improves Risk/Return
17.NPLs Trending Down in Absolute Terms
18.Problem Loans Peaked in 1999
19.Reserve Better Reflects Emerging Bank Profile
20.Exposure to △△△ Group & Provision
21.Growth Capacity in Regenerated Capital
22.Restructured Subsidiaries Complete Groundwork
23.Subsidiary’s Contribution to Bank in Profitability(3Q00)
24.Card - Profile & Prospects
25.Opportunity from Crisis
26.Multi-Faceted and Efficient Distribution Network
27.Aggressive Cost Cutting and Headcount Management
28.Internet Banking – Adding Clicks to Bricks
29.Strategic Alliance

  • 인사총무부패키지
  • 유형별이력서모음
  • 퍼펙트엑셀자동화
  • 필수경리부패키지


[은행 사업계획서(영문)]

영문 은행에 관한 사업계획서입니다. 자세한 내용은 다음의 목차를 참고하세요. -목차- 1.Rising to the Challenge 2.Embracing Changes 3.Taking Initiatives in Management Restructuring 4.Raising the Highbar 5.Now Korea’s Largest Banking Franchise 6.Bank’s Traditional Strengths 7.Opportunity from Crisis 8.Performance Review 9.Sustainable Underlying Profit Growth 10.High Net Interest Spread and Margin 11.Enviable Deposit Base Lowers Funding Costs 12.Building Out the Franchise Further 13.Stepping Out and Growing New Markets 14.Opportunity from Crisis 15.Shareholding Structure a Vote of Confidence 16.Diversified Loan Book Improves Risk/Return 17.NPLs Trending Down in Absolute Terms 18.Problem Loans Peaked in 1999 19.Reserve Better Reflects Emerging Bank Profile 20.Exposure to △△△ Group & Provision 21.Growth Capacity in Regenerated Capital 22.Restructured Subsidiaries Complete Groundwork 23.Subsidiary’s Contribution to Bank in Profitability(3Q00) 24.Card - Profile & Prospects 25.Opportunity from Crisis 26.Multi-Faceted and Efficient Distribution Network 27.Aggressive Cost Cutting and Headcount Management 28.Internet Banking – Adding Clicks to Bricks 29.Strategic Alliance



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