기업일반 > 영문이력서,자기소개서 영문이력서(IT 프로젝트별 경력위주)
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it관련 영문이력서 샘플양식입니다. 자세한 내용은 다음을 참고하세요.

Career Summary:
Around 2.1 years of IT experience in development, Training and testing of
application software using C, C++, VC++(5.0/6.0) MFC/ATL, COM/DCOM, Oracle and
design tools like MS-VisualModeler in the areas of database, internet/intranet
applications. Also Involved in training for DataStructures, C, C++ etc.

Educational Qualification:
B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering - JNTU College of Engineering – Kakinada Year of passing - 1998

  • 인사총무부패키지
  • 유형별이력서모음
  • 퍼펙트엑셀자동화
  • 필수경리부패키지
DO THE Smart Block
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  • 디자인콘텐츠_29_가을 PPT 템플릿 추석_10_추석명절 임금체불
  • 한가위 디자인 패키지 추석_09_추석 차례상
  • 부서별 서식_15_경영지원 부서 관련 서식 AI사업계획서_08_약국 사업계획서
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